To get things started I’ve collated a set of questions designed to gauge your level of experience, inspirations and passions, strengths and weaknesses and overall long term aspirations. I'll email the set of questions so you can complete them and email them back to me along with a selection of 4-5 photographs.
Once your answers have been received, a phone call will then be arranged to suit your timing using the Skype network or Webex. The first call will help me understand how I can help you improve and refine your photographic skills. Through evaluating the questions you have answered and the photographs you have sent me, this will allow me to prepare the bespoke program that will last for the chosen period (4, 8 or 12 weeks). Or a complete bespoke timeframe decided by you!
After 1 week, I will then provide you the full details of the designed bespoke course and we will talk again, this time discussing the details of the program I have designed and making sure you are happy with the material set out in the learning program. We arrange a series of future calls that suit you across the agreed time period. Then the program starts.
Over the entirety of the program you will have the opportunity to cover all aspects of your photography including technical knowledge, location scouting, edit workflow, composition, sharpening, cloning, panoramics, long exposure, printing and black and white photography. Due to the bespoke nature of this program, fundamentals you wish to refine, can be given priority to ensure we focus on the skills you wish to improve on. Through a series of Skype discussions, which are initially weekly, we critique your photography and the feedback provided will help you improve your craft as a photographer. Throughout the learning program you will be set a number of projects, for example, I may ask you to recreate the style of a favorite photographer, compose, edit and present a panoramic photograph, shoot in variety of light conditions in a chosen location or prepare a collection of photographs all shot at a specified focal length.
At the end of the learning program your work and progress will be evaluated and any last concerns will be discussed. We will chose your best images and evaluate each one, then compose a digital portfolio. We will also discuss the areas of improvement and the elements that may require continued development.